The Future, This Week 12 Apr 19: #TechLash
This week: the #TechLash bandwagon: companies, people and governments

The future of you
Your future is not yet written. Here are some ideas currently being tested that aim to put people at the centre of discussions about a better AI future.

Giving the world a better face
What happens when technology has a human face? In the future digital assistants will not just be disembodied voices: soon we will be gazing into an emotionally rich, apparently human, 3D digital face.

The Future, This Week 1 Mar 19: data is not oil, dangerous AI, and robo-monk
This week: why data is not like oil, dangerous AI, and a robot that gives sermons.

The Future, This Week 14 Dec 18: fake restaurants, fake news, and monsters
This week from San Francisco: a fake special with restaurants, reviews and monsters.

Our must-listen podcasts from 2018
To celebrate the milestone of producing our 100th podcast and the closing of a successful year, here is a collection of our favourite podcast interviews from 2018.

The Future, This Week 7 Dec 18: tasty app, fish faces, and car data
This week: food flavours, fish faces and China’s car data collection.

The Future, This Week 30 Nov 18: happiness, big data and big claims
This week: happiness, big data analysis, and inclement weather.

The Future, This Week 16 Nov 18: AI puppets, fake stuff, and cashless
This week: puppets reading news, fake stuff, and Sweden’s out of cash.

The Future, This Week 2 Nov 18: work weeks, faxes, and AI art
This week: work week wishes, fax-free futures, and AI art.

The Future, This Week 28 Sep 18: space measurements, liveability, and privacy (not)
This week: measure from space, liveable cities, and privacy is not the issue.

The Future, This Week 21 Sep 18: privacy, measurements, and ad poetry
This week: selling privacy, for good measure, and automated advertising poetry.