Board games at Disney, the fight of the figureheads
Disney's star-studded board faces activist investor pressure, but do the celebrity directors have the right expertise? What's the implication for other companies facing activist shareholders?

The ABC behind successful teamwork
With teamwork as the secret sauce for service excellence, is identifying and cultivating the right blend of teamwork mechanisms the special ingredient to transform customer satisfaction into profits?

Dial AI for assistance: leveraging AI for supply chain resilience and crisis management
How can businesses better weather unforeseen challenges and thrive in an ever-changing marketplace?

Think slow to ensure your project succeeds
What do the movie studio Pixar and the Empire State Building have in common? Professor Bent Flyvbjerg shares principles of good project management.

Megaprojects and getting big things done with Bent Flyvbjerg
This week: a discussion with Bent Flyvbjerg on the factors that lead projects to fail, whether big or small, and the research-based principles that can make them succeed.

Best business books of 2022
This week: corporate self-help, pandemics, climate, toxic stuff and socio-tech broccoli: our 2022 best business books for your holiday reading list.

Only 15% of AI investments succeed. An AI translator could help the other 85%
Investments in AI technologies are accelerating worldwide, what could an AI translator do to improve the success of AI-led projects?

The looming AI arms race in hiring
As organisations embrace AI hiring systems, how will they be gamed?

9 things we learned about hybrid work
This week: we take stock and discuss nine important things we learned about hybrid work.

Eyes wide open, the best business books (lists) for 2021
We have curated the various lists of Best Business Books for 2021 and sorted them according to our (more helpful) categories.

Strategy in a pandemic crisis: how agile is your approach to strategy?
Is it better to have a strategic planning approach or a portfolio-driven approach when planning during a crisis?

Best business books of 2021 on The Future, This Week
This week: corporate self-help, schadenfreude, tech broccoli, and real eyeopeners: our 2021 best business books for your Christmas list.