Turning greenhouse gas into clean fuel
In the quest to tackle excessive greenhouse gas output, is there a fuel where the only by-product can be used as food for farm animals?

This is Australia’s most important report on the environment’s deteriorating health
Three chief authors of the State of the Environment Report provide its key findings. While it’s a sobering read, there are a few bright spots.

The kids won’t be OK
Today’s children will be forced to endure the climate change consequences created during their parents’ lifetimes.

It’s a material world but how much can we take? New tool reveals hidden carbon hotspots
Imagine having the whole world’s physical consumption at your fingertips.

COVID-19 driving deforestation in Asia and South America
Deforestation is having a significant impact on global biodiversity.

Climate change – what’s in a number?
In the challenging environment of climate change information, the dilemma is which not-so-beautiful set of numbers to pay attention to.

The numbers of climate change and COP26 on The Future, This Week
This week: all the numbers of climate change and what they mean from the COP26 in Glasgow, with our expert Professor Christopher Wright.

Are temperatures rising in a nonlinear way?
Recent catastrophes could indicate the climate system has crossed a dangerous threshold.

Weathering the perfect storm of container shipping on The Future, This Week
This week: COVID, climate and containers: how the world weathers the global logistics crisis.

Town closer to North Pole than equator hits 49.6ºC
What's the verdict as unusual weather patterns become more common?

Cities are on the frontline of climate change – prepare or perish
More than 800 million people could be affected by coastal flooding, how are cities adapting?

The impending apocalypse happening in plain sight: a response to the latest IPCC report
Is the roadmap to net zero emissions afflicted by the politics of predatory delay?