Your car is watching you. The implications are profound and immediate
The issue of privacy breaches by car manufacturers is often overlooked.
What maths can teach us about privacy
How can we future-proof privacy so that in years hence it is not violated when dissected by more powerful computers?
Facial recognition and public data
This week: all things facial recognition and the implications of using public data.
Contact tracing revisited on Corona Business Insights
We look at lessons learned from the use of digital contact tracing apps, launched with great promise early in the pandemic, but now largely regarded as ineffective by many countries.
Smart street furniture in Australia: a public service or surveillance and advertising tool?
The data collection and surveillance capabilities of smart street furniture raise a number of concerns.
All work and no play in the future of virtual reality
Does treating VR only as a gaming technology underestimate its potential impact on society?
Data, privacy and tracking on The Future, This Week
This week: we dive into the complex shadow world of trading location data from innocuous apps.
Facebook’s virtual reality push is about data, not gaming
Facebook's Oculus Quest 2 headset is the latest step in the construction of a 'mirrorworld' built on high-tech surveillance and targeted advertising.
How the shady world of the data industry strips away our freedoms
In the past decade, the Australian government has commissioned data analytics projects worth more than A$200 million. We have little information about what they involved.
Corporate surveillance on Corona Business Insights
Corporate surveillance: heightened remote surveillance and activity tracking.
Health surveillance can be a positive-sum game
We must design the health surveillance and AI tools needed to control COVID-19 and future pandemics so they don’t psychologically backfire or hinder our opportunities to thrive in the future.
Contact tracing and surveillance during COVID-19 on The Future, This Week
This week: contact tracing with Apple and Google, and the big picture of surveillance during the pandemic.