5 ways to help prevent AI from deepening social inequality
If the historical data used to train an AI system disadvantages certain minority groups, the system can be swayed to follow these patterns in its own decision-making process.
Health surveillance can be a positive-sum game
We must design the health surveillance and AI tools needed to control COVID-19 and future pandemics so they don’t psychologically backfire or hinder our opportunities to thrive in the future.
The conversations hidden by coronavirus: space, tech and climate on The Future, This Week
This week: the conversations gone missing during COVID-19: space, tech and climate.
The power of followership
Can we truly understand leadership if we don't understand followers?
Engineers, philosophers and sociologists release ethical design guidelines for future technology
A report released today by the world’s largest technical professional organisation is designed to help humanity avoid a robot apocalypse.
The Future, This Week 03 November 2017
This week: electrify everything, crows nipping butts, and ethical German cars.