Hybrid work on The Future, This Week
This week: hybrid work models, and their hidden complexities and implications in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Unicorns, Kool-Aid and broccoli, the best business book lists
Which books should you be reading? We deconstruct the most prominent best business book lists into plain-speaking categories.

The best books of 2020 on The Future, This Week
This week: generalising from unicorns, schadenfreude, self-help manifestos or true eye-openers, we review for you 2020’s best business books.

A one-day per week mandatory remote work rule would make businesses more resilient
With many employers faced with the dilemma of remote working at scale, what will they do after the pandemic?

Smart brands and marketing on The Future, This Week
What smart brands can during the crisis - a special with Andrew Baxter.

Emergency adoption of remote working: beware of productivity implications
With the COVID-19 lockdown has come a sudden and somewhat forced shift to remote working and adoption of digital collaborative work tools. Companies, wherever possible, are trying to move work online.

Productivity and remote work on Corona Business Insights
Productivity and remote working: what individuals and managers can do while working from home.

Office changes on Corona Business Insights
How the office and office work might change in the wake of COVID-19.

Your remote work persona deserves better
How will we develop remote working competency going forward?

Big tech and automation during COVID-19 on The Future, This Week
This week: big tech in the time of corona, and why robots are not taking your job.

COVID-19, airlines and business continuity on The Future, This Week
This week: COVID-19 grounds airlines, and business continuity learnings.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) and economic impacts on The Future, This Week
This week: the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, and what it means for the future of business.