In Conversation

Coral or coal? Business divided

What happens when the two main economic contributors in Queensland directly oppose each other? We talk to Professor Christopher Wright about the future of business in the region.

What if: an ice-free Arctic 2027

Climate change changes everything - our economy, our society and the ecosystems that underpin life on Earth. In this what if episode we talk to Professor Christopher Wright to explore what an ice free Arctic Earth might look like in 2027 if we pursue our current business as usual.

What if: Trump’s energy policies in 2019

Energy is critical to economic, social and environmental well-being. In this what if podcast set two years into the future in January 2019, we explore how the election of Donald Trump as US president has radically changed the trajectory of US and global energy markets.

What is business for?

Milton Friedman argues the only responsibility of business is to make money. Michael Porter claims business can create economic value while addressing social challenges. So what is business for?

The human side of energy security

The energy industry is a critical industry because it underpins Australia's economic success and quality of life. How can we move beyond economic and engineering perspectives we naturally tend to focus on and consider the human side of energy security? We talk to Associate Professor Jane Lê to find out.

How global cities compete

Today more than half the world’s population lives in cities, and this trend is expected to continue. So how do cities compete with each other? We talk to Professor Bo Nielsen to find out.

Urban impact entrepreneurship

We talk to May Samali, Director at Tumml and University of Sydney Alumni, about how can we help entrepreneurs make our cities better.

Is business the answer to poverty alleviation?

We talk to Associate Professor Ranjit Voola who advocates re-imagining the purpose of business, where there is both an economic and moral imperative for businesses to engage in alleviating poverty, whilst making profits.

Machine learning – mapping the world’s collective intelligence

The time we spend trying to parse the data to make informed decisions, but also to try to identify new connections and trends is growing exponentially. We talk to Dan Buczaczer from Quid about how machine intelligence is helping us interrogate the world’s collective intelligence.

Can innovation centres tame the wild?

Are today’s innovation centres, hubs, labs the answer to driving innovation in business today? Or much like animals in farms or zoos, an attempt ‘tame the wild’?