Can marketing be a force for good in the world?
Without marketing, businesses engaging in strategies relating to the UN Sustainable Development Goals are unlikely to achieve their strategic goals.

A business strategy: what would Kim Kardashian do?
Companies with an eye to winning new customers need to harness the business power of social media.

Branding, it’s a feeling
Is emotional connection important for tech brands?

New York Times gets Wordle
This week: we discuss the economics and business behind the New York Times’ decision to buy popular internet game Wordle.

We are not afraid – Australia’s COVID-19 vaccination problem
How can advertising help, or hinder, the rollout of Australia's vaccine efforts?

Smart street furniture in Australia: a public service or surveillance and advertising tool?
The data collection and surveillance capabilities of smart street furniture raise a number of concerns.

How a Chinese joke about singles triggered an e-commerce revolution
Is Double 11 a showcase of China's private consumption power, or is it highlighting the shift from bricks-and-mortar to mobile commerce?

Data, privacy and tracking on The Future, This Week
This week: we dive into the complex shadow world of trading location data from innocuous apps.

Hats and fly swatters: big data and audience profiling are changing elections
The data gathering inside political merch allowing politicians to peer inside voters’ brains

Influencers on Corona Business Insights
Influencers in a pandemic: from struggling after travel lockdowns and marketing cuts to thriving in a world of online experiences.

Don’t furlough the ad budget
Why should brands take a scalpel rather than a meat cleaver to the marketing budget?

Brands that increased their marketing spend were able to grow market share faster
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the landscape for many companies, which will be forced to shift the tone of their brand marketing.