Marketing in a time of shifting normal
What are the two main questions that marketers should be considering during COVID-19?

Smart brands and marketing on The Future, This Week
What smart brands can during the crisis - a special with Andrew Baxter.

Smart brands use a crisis to build their reputations
When tough times suddenly arise, marketers need to re-boot their strategies in three phases.

The state of digital on The Future, This Week
This week: part one of a special with Simon Kemp on the state of digital.

Marketing to the million plus Australian Chinese consumers
Marketing to audiences of a million or more Australians has long been the ambition of many brands.

The influencer strikes back
Social media has offered a new weapon to brands, the influencer.

Talk, not text: the shift from typing to voice assistants
With 25 per cent of Australian searches now being done via voice, the search battlefield is shifting from typing to talking.

The future of you
Your future is not yet written. Here are some ideas currently being tested that aim to put people at the centre of discussions about a better AI future.

What if the companies that profit from your data had to pay you?
Personal data is sold, bought and traded among companies all the time. But what if the companies profiting from your data had to pay you a share of that earning?

Banks must lift their branding game
Banks were originally businesses based on customer trust. Today that trust has diminished as they juggle their priorities between the customer, employees, community and shareholders. It's the focus on the latter that has diluted that sense of trust the most.

Marketing a powerful tool for philanthropy
As philanthropists consider their options regarding what social needs to support, or continue to support, the more successful not-for-profits use marketing to help them decide.

Value of creativity in marketing cannot be underestimated
Innovative ways of communicating brands to the consumer is what drives real growth.