SDGs and the city
Over the next 50 years people living in low-income nations will undertake one of this century’s defining megatrends: rapid urbanisation.

VR is transforming how buildings are made
We no longer need to rely on the individual capability of people to read plans or imagine the spaces based on the pictures or verbal descriptions.

Taking no for an answer: how governments can keep citizens engaged on digital platforms
How should "citizen-sourcing" initiatives be designed, to enable positive interactions and transparency?

Making room for the rivers
When deciding if they should live with or fight the floods, Australia and many other countries can learn from the Netherlands.

Global cities as future drivers of international business activities
Cities contribute more than 80% of global GDP, but how can they attract innovative and sustainable businesses?

Think slow to ensure your project succeeds
What do the movie studio Pixar and the Empire State Building have in common? Professor Bent Flyvbjerg shares principles of good project management.

Planes, trains and automobiles – David Hensher’s moving life
What does an academic with a Google Scholar citation score of over 67,000 think about the impact of his career?

Megaprojects and getting big things done with Bent Flyvbjerg
This week: a discussion with Bent Flyvbjerg on the factors that lead projects to fail, whether big or small, and the research-based principles that can make them succeed.

Getting old means never getting to retire
Demographic time-bombs and super ageing societies - what does it all mean for countries with falling birth rates?

The death of the smart city
The smart city has been the dazzling promise in urban planning for the last 20 years, but is the idea failing?

Welcome to Sydney 2036, how is the 3 part city working?
What does life look like for a 36 year-old Sydney resident in 2036?

China’s baby bust will change the world
By the turn of the century 100 working-age Chinese will have to support as many as 120 elderly Chinese.