What the DAC? Can Direct Air Capture help save the planet from global warming?
Once the ‘ugly duckling’ of decarbonisation, direct air capture is finally winning friends and influence.

AI might be seemingly everywhere, but there are still plenty of things it can’t do – for now
From ChatGPT to Lensa, it feels like AI is here to take over. But despite some impressive results, such systems still have plenty of limitations.

What maths can teach us about privacy
How can we future-proof privacy so that in years hence it is not violated when dissected by more powerful computers?

ChatGPT and generative AI
This week: Our ChatGPT and generative AI special. What is it? How does it work? What to do with it? Where to next?

The ChatGPT chatbot is blowing people away with its writing skills. An expert explains why it’s so impressive
The newest OpenAI text-generator is a marked improvement over its predecessor – but it still has its pitfalls.

Best business books of 2022
This week: corporate self-help, pandemics, climate, toxic stuff and socio-tech broccoli: our 2022 best business books for your holiday reading list.

Branding, it’s a feeling
Is emotional connection important for tech brands?

The narrow road to the deeper connection
Incremental additions to practical medical knowledge can be lifesaving, but how can that be achieved in remote parts of the world?

Weird new jobs
This week: the AI whisperer, AI artist managers, data detectives, metaverse supply chain strategy consultants, and more cool jobs in the digital era.

Instagram, are you TikTok?
This week: as Instagram tries to become more like TikTok, small businesses protest.

If we only think in the present, how can we imagine our future?
We need a coherent, concrete vision of the future to spur innovation and productivity.

Quantum: what you need to know
You don’t need to understand the nitty gritty of quantum theory to engage in the conversation.