Every move you make, every step you take
How do facial recognition systems work and what does it mean when anyone can access these artificial intelligence driven platforms?

Unlearn music on The Future, This Week
This week: we’re on a break but we have something interesting in store for you, we discuss how the way we engage with music is fundamentally changing — from something we listen to, to something we create with.

Unlearn automation on The Future, This Week
This week: we’re on a break but we have something interesting in store for you, and it’s not about our longitudinal auto ethnographic research on leisure time but rather, how automation will make your job harder.

Best business books of 2021 on The Future, This Week
This week: corporate self-help, schadenfreude, tech broccoli, and real eyeopeners: our 2021 best business books for your Christmas list.

The impending apocalypse happening in plain sight: a response to the latest IPCC report
Is the roadmap to net zero emissions afflicted by the politics of predatory delay?

Ray-Ban Stories let you wear Facebook on your face. But why would you want to?
Facebook is adamant its new “smart glasses” won’t be a privacy nightmare. But it is clearly bidding to normalise the use of wearable tech.

Curb your screen time and you improve mental health
Our ever-expanding online lives are putting our brain health and broader well-being at risk.

Safeguarding mental health while working from home
Working from home has become so routine during COVID-19 the arrangement even enjoys its own texting friendly abbreviation.

How China got through the pandemic crisis, relying on people, not technology
How did essential services keep running in Wuhan during a 76 day lockdown?

Coronavirus will change the world permanently. Here’s how.
A crisis on this scale can reorder society in dramatic ways, for better or worse. Here are 34 big thinkers' predictions for what's to come.

Moving with technology
How mobile technologies are not just portable computers – they change how we see and act in the world (and even shape it).

Moore’s Law and startup deflation on The Future, This Week
This week: Moore's law no more, and Silicon Valley's startup deflation.