Technology is changing the lives of female lawyers, in ways that are bad as well as good
A new survey finds working from home is removing barriers for women, but also blurring the barrier between work and the “safe space” of home.
There is a SMART solution to worker burnout
The psychological toll on healthcare and social assistance workers is immense - what if we could reimagine these jobs to prevent burnout?
Morning or evening type? Choice of hours is the next big thing in workplace flexibility
More choice over when we work be the next big gain in productivity.
Why you should never retire: unlearn retirement
We discuss why collecting that gold watch and retiring at 65 might not be the best thing and why it’s time to change the retirement narrative.
The 4-day work week with Juliet Schor
This week: what if we all worked four days a week? We talk with Professor Juliet Schor about her research into the 4-day work week and the trials happening around the world.
From silence to celebration – shifting experiences for LGBTIQ+ in the workplace
Momentum towards effective diversity must be maintained while there is continuing aggression against LGBTIQ+ populations around the world.
Leading the remote work teams of the future
How can leaders build a culture of collaboration and trust in the world of ongoing hybrid work?
If you’re going to mandate COVID vaccination at your workplace, here’s how to do it ethically
Do you actually need compulsory vaccination at your workplace? And if you do, as a last resort, how do you make mandates fair?
Starting a new job on Corona Business Insights
From establishing networks and meeting colleagues to learning organisational culture, what’s it like starting a new job when working remotely during a pandemic?
The future of you
Your future is not yet written. Here are some ideas currently being tested that aim to put people at the centre of discussions about a better AI future.
Programming for obsolescence
If the reward for employee efficiency is job loss – what’s the incentive to improve jobs and organisations? Let's take a look at Amazon
The appeal of the ‘flat’ organisation
Why some firms are getting rid of middle managers.