The future of work not as usual on The Future, This Week
This week: working less for more, and the future of work not as usual.

Calling bullshit and algorithms on The Future, This Week
This week: calling bullshit, sexist credit cards and death predictions with Jevin West.

The truth, free speech and platform design on The Future, This Week
This week: the truth, free speech and the design of online platforms

Halloween with beer corpses and zombie bots on The Future, This Week
This week: a Halloween special with beer corpses, zombie bots and connected birds

Might consciousness and free will be the aces up our sleeves when it comes to competing with robots?
We are far from defenceless against the rise of robots, although they'll take many of our routine jobs. Our special strength is our ability to apply rules that don't exist.

Our fake future
There is fake news, fake videos (deepfakes) and even cheap fakes.

Is FaceApp hoarding our data?
Is FaceApp amassing a database of user-submitted images for political purposes, under the guise of a light-hearted game?

The Future, This Week 19 Jul 19: #DeepFakes, #DigitalHumans, #WillSmith
This week: deep fakes, digital humans and a young Will Smith in our Vivid Ideas Special.

The Future, This Week 31 May 19: #MonaLisa, #Platforms, #Competition
This week: Mona Lisa’s fake smile, more Digital Humans, and missing platform competition.

The Future, This Week 17 May 19: #GOT gets real
This week: real-life implications of Game of Thrones.

Vivid Sydney: Love/Machine
AI is creating digital people – will they (be) like us?

The Future, This Week 19 Apr 19: #996, #futureofwork, #GOT
This week: #996 working long hours, predicting work and who dies on Game of Thrones.