Predictions and global megatrends on The Future, This Week
This Week: we look back at 2019 and forward to 2020, and reflect on how we connect tech and business trends with global megatrends

Calling bullshit and algorithms on The Future, This Week
This week: calling bullshit, sexist credit cards and death predictions with Jevin West.

Might consciousness and free will be the aces up our sleeves when it comes to competing with robots?
We are far from defenceless against the rise of robots, although they'll take many of our routine jobs. Our special strength is our ability to apply rules that don't exist.

Seeing in colour with Alvy Ray Smith
What is the history of digital colour? How did Moore's Law shape computer animation? Mike Seymour talks with Pixar co-founder, Dr Alvy Ray Smith.

Data analytics on The Future, This Week
This week: part two of a special with Simon Kemp on data analytics.

Why don’t we have electric aircraft?
Unlike a car, you can't just stick a battery-powered engine in a plane and expect it to fly. Despite that, small planes might be the future of electric flight.

Myspace and consumerism on The Future, This Week
This week: preserving our digital heritage, and the national identity crisis caused by consumerism.

Our fake future
There is fake news, fake videos (deepfakes) and even cheap fakes.

Size matters and what the tech on The Future, This Week
This week: size matters when there’s scarce abundance, and what the tech?

The influencer strikes back
Social media has offered a new weapon to brands, the influencer.

Revisiting Uber, money and monkeys with Keith Chen
Behavioural economist Keith Chen investigates what will humans do for how much money.

The long and winding road to overnight success on the Billboard Chart
How a black rap artist TikTok'd his way to the top of the country music pops...